Rest day...We don't' need no stinking rest day!
So today is an official rest day. A rest day is kind of redundant when you've taken the past 3 days off because your left knee is on fire. Today I've been contemplating the fate of my knee. Should I go to the Doctor and risk him/her shutting me down for probably 4 weeks or should I just grin it a bare it and continue running? I'm pretty sure I'll go the latter. I'll head out for a 2 mile run tomorrow and if I cannot complete it, I guess that I'll have to see the dreaded doctor. But I can take solace in finding out that none of my 4 running partners have taken a jog since our last group outing (last Thursday). At least I'm not losing ground. With that said, I am still the most out of shape of all us and have to train the hardest. I am also perplexed as to whether or not to take supplements to help prevent further and future injury. I'll probably take a new supplement called Hoodia. It's supposed to help curb your hunger. We shall see. Another supplement I'm considering is call Glucosamine. This is supposed to help repair and alleviate joint pain. The reports are conflicting but at this moment, I'm willing to give it a try. I end this entry with the anticipation of seeing how my knee will hold up tomorrow. Hopefully 4 days rest is more than enough to recuperate my knee.
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