May 09, 2005

Jedi Mind Tricks

So I just got back from the track. I did Week 4 Workout 1 of's Couch to 5K program. Whew! It was a tough one for me. I managed to get through about 90% of the workout before my mind started negotiating with me. I had just little of a 1/4 mile to go when my mind told me to stop. Believe me I really wanted to. My legs hurt, my chest was burning, and I had a side stich from hell! My mind started rationalizing why I should stop, What if you injure yourself by completing this workout. What if you have a heart attack and die? You can always finish the workout next time. But then I thought to myself why come all this way only to stop short when the finish line is in plain sight? So I drove on through the rest of the workout without stopping. Don't get me wrong it wasn't easy and it hurt like hell, but I was smiling as I reach the end of the workout. I was so damn glad that I didn't stop when my mind was telling me to. I guess it's true what they say, running is 50% physical and 50% mental. My mind was willing to give up before my body was. The good thing is, now I know that I can make it through this week of workouts. So there's no excuse not to finish! It's only been about a month and I can feel my body improving. I can't wait until my next workout.