Step by step
Distance: 2.7 Miles
Pace: 11:25 minute/mile
Best run so far today. I figured out a longer route that wouldn't kill me. 2.7 miles, an increase of half a mile over my previous distance. I hope to build up to about 5 miles per run before the 5K in November. I think I'll be able to meet that goal. Today's run started off pretty rough. I woke up at around 8:30. (a blessing bestowed upon me by my 11 month old daughter!!!) I got out on the road at about 10 o'clock. To be perfectly honest, I didn't want to run at all today. As I was doing my warm ups, my mind was full of reasons not to run. I finally told me self to at least run a mile and then decide whether to finish the run or not. I started my run and everything hurt. My ankle, my shins, my knees just about everything. But after I got about half a mile into it, my body loosened up. I reached the 1 mile mark and decided that it would take me too long to walk back so I decided to just finish up the run. About a half mile away from my house is a steep hill. That hill always whoops my ass. Today the hill was even more evil due to the fact that I had increased my distance before I reached it. I probably slowed down to a shuffle going up but I was determined not to walk. Eventually I reached the top and was able to catch my wind going down the other side. I powered through the last hill to my house and was able to finish in just over 30 minutes to my surprise. 30:50 to be exact. I increase my mileage by half a mile, but only increase my total time by 50 seconds! This was very encouraging to me. I ran at a faster pace even though I felt like crap to start off. On a added note, I'm creeping ever so close to that 249 pound mark. Woo Hoo!!!
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