June 17, 2005

I'm Joggin' in the rain, joggin' in the rain...

Yesterdays run, added something new to my running routine. Rain. As soon as I finished my warm up the rain started to trickle down. It actually felt pretty damn good. It wasn't really windy and the rain kept me pretty cool. I did get a few weird looks from people driving by. The had that look on their face like "Why the hell is that guy running in the rain?" They must not be a runner. Runners don't ask that kind of question, they simply understand why I'm running in the rain. I started my run off feeling really good. I even had to tell myself to slow down, because my pace was just a little too fast. I had absolutely no problem conquering the hills along the route. I'm currently covering 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. I'm going to do that run one more time and then I'll step up the distance and the time a little every two weeks or so. Only one more run left on this running program and then I can officially call myself a runner. Who would've thunk it?

June 14, 2005

30 minutes accomplished!!!

It's the last week of the program and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was very excited to take on this last week, but just about an hour before my run I felt very weak and tired. I actually contemplated not running, but I didn't want to fall behind on the last week. So I threw on my running clothes and tied on my running shoes and hit the road. After finishing my warm up walk I still didn't feel any better. I reached my starting point, hit start on my watch and away I went. The first quarter mile was a struggle. My right knee was stiff and my left shin hurt. Not a good way to start off my run. But nonetheless, I continued my run. Once I hit the half mile mark, my legs loosened up and I hit my stride. I started sweating good and didn't even mind the head wind. I took on each hill with the determination not to let it slow me down. I reached my stopping point just slightly under 30 minutes so I had to back track a bit. Ahhh, 30 minutes over!!! Can't wait to hit the road again!!!