1 mile, no sweat, 2 miles, better yet...
The title is a reference to my time spent in the military. Completed a good run today. I went back to my shorted 2.3 mile route today. I felt that jumping to 3.2 miles was a bit too much. So I completed my run with a smile on my face. Ahh the sweet feeling of success!!! Today's run was a special interest to me because I've recently purchased an Oregon Scientific Heart rate monitor. I must admit that when I first put it on, I thought it was going to be very uncomfortable running with a strap around your chest. But honestly after about 5 minutes of running, I didn't even notice it. I tried to keep my heart rate in the 160's. There was a few times that it jumped up in the low 170's while going up hills, but as soon as a crested the hill the heart rate dropped back to the 160's. I think having this information while running increased my pace a little, I was able to cover 2.3 miles in 26 minutes. I know that's slow, but hey its pretty good for me!!! Well tomorrow is a rest day and I think my body really needs it. I woke up this morning and my back was just killing me. I popped a few Advil and got it under control. I'll write again in 2 days!!!