April 29, 2005

What a feeling...

Another run finished and the knee feels great. I think these shoes must be doing their job. I started running with a walkman to drown out the sounds of me gasping and wheezing. What a difference that makes. When the right songs were playing I didn't think about looking at my watch to see how much longer I had to run. Things are seeming to fall in place. Now if I can just get rid of these shin splints...

April 25, 2005

The Day After Yesterday...

Well it's the day after my triumphant return to running. I am glad to say that all systems are go! My knee feels fine and so does the rest of my body. Outside of the usual soreness i.e. sore calves and stiff ankles, I think everything is okay. That's a relief. So I'll just keep my fingers crossed that I will be injury free from now until the 5K in November. Who would have thunk it, it really is the shoes!

April 24, 2005

Another 2 miles traveled...

Oh yeah today was a good day. I decided to take my rehabilitated knee out on the road for a test drive. I held up suprisingly well. I bought some new shoes to help alleviate the recurrence of my knee injury. They're called The Beast. The are THE shoe for flat footed runners. I was able to run today and didn't even think about my knee. I know it's only one day, but it looks promising for me.

I signed up for my first 5k. The Run, Forest, Run 5K. I have 6 months to get ready for it. My only goals for this race is one, to be able to run the whole thing without stopping. And two, to have a half way decent time. I think if I can accomplish number 1, it will take care of number 2.

I am following Cool Running.com's Training program. The Couch to 5k training schedule. It seems very doable. I'll keep you updated.