June 04, 2005


What a difference 3 days make. Just 3 days ago, I was feeling unstoppable. I was cruising along without any doubt that I was going to finish the program without any problems. Then WHAM!!! Thursday's run was a disaster! About halfway through my run I just stopped. I couldn't believe it. I had no energy and my legs were actually burning! Talk about being in a major depression! I walked home with my tail between my legs. I felt absolutely horrible. I felt that I had not only let myself down, but also the readers of this blog. The highs that I get from accomplishing a good run are really high. But the lows of having to cut a run shot are extremely low! I took yesterday to recompose myself and to rededicate my self to today's run. I finished today's run without stopping (thank god), but there were plenty of times that I wanted to quit. But I as bound and determined not to. I even ran a little bit extra as "punishment" for quitting 3 days ago. I don't know what has happened, but I am going to overcome this little setback. I will keep you guys updated.

May 31, 2005

Headwinds suck!!!

Today's run was a little more difficult than my previous run. I think it was partially because this was the first time I had to run back to back 25 minute runs. Previously I would run a long run and follow that up with a interval run. But 7 weeks into the running program, the intervals are a thing of the past. The first half of the run was into a head wind. So that kinda sucked but it probably gave me a better workout. I'll keep chugging along and keep you updated.

May 29, 2005

I think I can, I think I can...

This post is a day late. I am happy to say that I completed my run yesterday without stopping. 25 non-stop minutes. I had my doubts about halfway through it, but I was determined to finish. I just took it one hill at a time. I was even able to pick up the pace a little bit at the end. At the end of the run, I felt extremely good. But the hills did some damage to my shins. I have had shin splints off and on during the past 2 months. Anytime I have to run on hills I always pay for it for a couple of days. But I have to run hills to increase my endurance so it's a good trade off. Well now is the point where the tough training starts. From now on, every run is 25+ minutes without stopping. The goal is to reach 30 minutes non-stop and cover a distance of 30 minutes. I have until November to get my 5K time respectable. See you on the road...